October 5th, 10:12 am
HIGHLY recommended! ... See MoreSee Less
Kids & COVID-19: A Vaccine Q&A with Dr. Danny Avula
Looking to learn more about kids and the COVID-19 vaccine? Our experts are here to answer your questions and share some amazing science!August 7th, 1:06 pm
Amazing TED Talk by a 7 year old, with true neuro-based science wisdom for parents and care givers everywhere. Just 7 minutes. Love her accent too. 🙂 ... See MoreSee Less

How every child can thrive by five
"What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?" asks seven-year-old Molly Wright, one of the youngest-ever TED speakers. Breaking down the research-backed ways parents and caregivers can support children's healthy brain development, Wright highlights the benefits of pla...July 19th, 1:18 pm
Anxious? Aren't we all? My NEW FAVORITE BOOK for your young ones is "How to Tame My Anxiety Monster." Help your children externalize their worry, talk about it, and learn TOOLS to manage it eventually by themselves. Model it too! We can ALL learn more about managing anxiety. What a blessing for your children as they grow up in a stressful (but also JOYFUL) world! www.amazon.com/How-Tame-My-Anxiety-Monster/dp/1734165081/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwx... ... See MoreSee Less

How To Tame My Anxiety Monster (Mindful Monster Collection)
How To Tame My Anxiety Monster (Mindful Monster Collection)July 19th, 1:09 pm
Are you on a Manager schedule or a Maker schedule? I related to BOTH and got some good help from "The Next Right Thing" podcast 185 "Why Makers Struggle to Get Things Done." I hope it helps you find that intentional balance to get things done and, yes, CREATE as well! podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/185-why-makers-struggle-to-get-things-done/id1268826768?i=100052722... ... See MoreSee Less
July 2nd, 9:27 am
Hope this resonates with families out there and lifts you up!
richmondfamilymagazine.com/article/processing-your-parenting-legacy/ ... See MoreSee Less

Processing Your Parenting Legacy - Richmond Family Magazine
I have a friend whose parents are very involved in her family’s life. They are helpful and attentive grandparents, and I tell her how lucky she is all the time. Not only are my parents not very active in my…May 26th, 9:29 am
FLC Association Promo Video ... See MoreSee Less
May 24th, 8:25 am
Are you a caregiver? You ought to be here...June 3rd and 4th. You're warmly invited to join us at the Family Life Coaching Association's 5th annual conference. ... See MoreSee Less

May 19th, 9:39 am
Coaches, Family Support of any kind...join us for our virtual conference and find your people. There are 19 presenters and 2 keynotes, even a virtual happy hour. Please share! FLCA is the central collaborative hub for family life coaches and professionals dedicated to supporting and strengthening families all over the globe.We are excited to share our keynote speakers Bridget Walsh and Jenell Kelly!
We can’t wait for you to join us as we learn with and from them during our 4th annual conference. Register at www.flcassociation.org/registration ... See MoreSee Less
May 5th, 8:58 am
There's enough stress in your world today...Don't add to it with power plays over food which not only disrupts connecting at mealtime, but can have longer lasting effects on your kids. Amy McCready offers some wonderful strategies for you! ... See MoreSee Less

8 Strategies for Picky Eaters: End the Mealtime Battles for Good - Positive Parenting Solutions
Are you tired of the mealtime battle every night? Do you have a picky eater who refuses to eat what he’s served? Here are 8 easy-to-implement strategies every parent can use to bring peace back to the dinner table. I’ve helped thousands of families enjoy mealtime again and can help yours too!March 30th, 11:01 am
What if my partner and I parent differently? How can I help my blended family "blend?" Rebecca Blackwell, Marriage Coach and I (Parent Coach) speak to these questions in the Facebook Live event below. I hope it helps! Contact me if you'd like individual support or to book a workshop for your school or church at susanholtcoaching.com. ... See MoreSee Less
January 18th, 9:20 am
Operation Parent is a wonderful and balanced resource. Please attend if this resonates with you! - STH ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.January 14th, 1:22 pm
Pearls of wisdom- be patient and read this carefully for your tween or teen in COVID times. ... See MoreSee Less

This Is Serious — We Must Talk Mental Health — SCREENAGERS
It is a REALLY hard time for our youth. This TTT is about ways to connect with our kids to give them pearls of insight to support their emotional wellbeing. A bonus is that such conversations help our kids be more equipped to help others, such as friends who are struggling, now or in the future.January 4th, 11:39 am
[FREE Webinar]: Transform Worry with 6 Essential Tools for Kids and Teens ... See MoreSee Less
[FREE Webinar]: Transform Worry with 6 Essential Tools for Kids and Teens
This is a must-see masterclass for anyone looking to help their child or teen with anxiety, stress, overwhelm, negative thinking, or anger. Parents are finding these skill especially helpful during this unprecedented and challenging time. It's 100% FREE!December 22nd, 12:08 pm
Just in time for the Holidays: Snapchat's "Spotlight" and Instagram's "Reels" have recently been released to take on TikTok for your tween/teen's attention. Be aware, have a conversation with your child using the questions Dr. Ruston suggests in the article below. Use holiday events all around you now to make sure your kids are feeling the reward of "REAL" holiday experiences to BALANCE OUT all the screens. Find more support at susanholtcoaching.com/workshops-and-events ... See MoreSee Less

The Rabbit Hole of Social Media Just Got Deeper — SCREENAGERS
I predict that based on the huge success of TikTok, the new similar features on Snapchat and Instagram are going to become very popular. Today I talked to some teens about these new services.December 18th, 2:25 pm
Discord, League of Legends and other online opportunities for your kid to either have fun connecting or disconnect even more - here are ways to manage it all. Hope it helps! STH ... See MoreSee Less

Addressing Toxic Video Gaming Environments — SCREENAGERS
Video gaming has understandably gone up hugely during Covid distancing. Kids and teens have fun playing with friends—which is great—yet, there are risks and challenges. Today’s TTT addresses the mean and hurtful communication happening in gaming spaces.December 18th, 1:24 pm
GREAT advice for a tricky issue! Happy Holidays families! ... See MoreSee Less

The Truth About Santa-and 4 Ways to Keep His Magic Alive - Positive Parenting Solutions
The innocence of childhood makes it harder for parents to bear bad news. But with Santa—true to fashion—there’s a silvery-white lining. Here are 4 tips for talking your kids about Santa while keeping the magic alive.December 4th, 6:50 am
Forget "one and done" toys this holiday season. Here's 50+ open-ended toys that your kids will enjoy for years. ... See MoreSee Less
December 2nd, 12:45 pm
Fantastic and innovative ideas from Dr. Delaney Ruston. She knows teens and technology- and how to stay engaged! Hope it helps you with yours this holiday! ... See MoreSee Less
2020 Non-Tech Holiday Gift Ideas — SCREENAGERS
I have 22 tech-free gift ideas that will inspire, entertain, stretch, and delight the whole family for this holiday season.October 27th, 9:52 am
Survive and thrive during this time by giving yourself, and your kids, permission to make mistakes! One of my favorite books to read with your child is The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes. Take a look, find the grace and freedom to reduce those expectations and model it for your kids and you'll be equipping them for these times, and their future! ... See MoreSee Less
Susan Holt's Coaching Corner Susan Holt's Coaching Corner updated their status.
October 2nd, 10:31 am
... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.September 29th, 11:26 am
An awesome film and excellent panel discussion afterwards. Hope you can attend! ... See MoreSee Less

Join us WEDNESDAY September 30th @ 6:30pm EST/ 3:30pm PST for a virtual screening and panel for the film Angst! Angst is a film-based education program designed to raise awareness around anxiety, with an emphasis on youth and families. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, experts, and pare...September 28th, 11:20 am
I enjoyed the original broadcast of this event. Passing it on to you- wisdom for these times when you need it most! It's rebroadcasting TONIGHT! ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.September 23rd, 9:59 am
I am here to encourage, inform and support our amazing teachers and parents so we can all learn and grow through this difficult time. I invite you to my site for more information at susanholtcoaching.com/ ... See MoreSee Less
September 23rd, 9:53 am
Honored to be interviewed by Richmond Times Dispatch about screen time at home. Parents are understandably stressed about it, yet I am seeing lots of flexibility, creativity and grace as we all adapt! I'm here to encourage connection in your family and resilience in your kids to help all of us learn and grow through this difficult time. Thanks to Debbie Long, President of Henrico PTA's, for recommending me and also offering her perspective in this timely article. richmond.com/news/local/education/limiting-screen-time-used-to-be-a-parenting-challenge-with-virt... ... See MoreSee Less
September 17th, 1:45 pm
"If you aren't paying for the product...you ARE the product." Watch this new documentary on Netflix "The Social Dilemma" WITH YOUR FAMILY and see what rich conversation it can generate between you and your kids. I loved the powerful insights from behind the scenes of social media giants like the Founding Father of Virtual Reality and the co-inventor of the Like Button. But there is "drama" to it that might get a rise out of your teens. Model calm and productive conversation, listen well, and you'll all learn something about the truth behind the algorithms!
www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaaC57tcci0 ... See MoreSee Less